Seleucus Iv Philopator of Antiochus Iii Magnus
Birth date:
220 B.C.
Birth place:
, , , Syria
Death date:
  175 B.C.
Death place:
  , , ,

Antiochus Iii Magnus Family

Father: Antiochus Iii Megus of Seleucus Ii Callinicus
Mother: Laodice Iii, Daughter of Mithradates Ii of Antiochus
Ariochus of Antiochus Iii Magnus of Seleucus Ii
Antiochus Iv Epiphanes (Ariochus) of Antiochus Iii Magnus
Seleucus Iv Philopator of Antiochus Iii Magnus
Cleopatra I, Daughter of Antiochus Iii Magnus of Seleucus Ii
Laodice Iv, Daughter of Antiochus Iii Magnus of Seleucus Ii
Antiochis (Artioches), Daughter of Antiochus Iii Magnus of Seleucus Ii
Aka Antiochus the Great
Associates of Laodice Iii Bint Mithradates Ii
Antiochus of Seleucus Iv of Antiochus Iii
Demetrius I Soter of Seleucus Iv Philopator
Laodice V of Seleucus Iv of Antiochus Iii
Associates of Seleucus Iv of Antiochus Iii