Jean I Le Magnifique
Birth date:
30 NOV 1340
Birth place:
Chateau De Blois, Vincennes, , France
Death date:
  15 MAR 1415
Death place:
  Chateau De Nesles, Paris, , France

Magnifique Family

Father: Jean Ii Le Bon King of France
Mother: Jutte (Judith) Princess of Bohemia
Spouse: Jeanne d'Armagnac
Joan De Valois
Marquerite Princess of France
Catherine De France
Jean de Berry
Lodovico I King of Naples
Jean I of France
Philippe the Bold De Burgundy Ct de Artois
Charles V
Isabel Princess of France
Isabel de Valois
Philippe de Burgundy
Charles V King of France
Philippe Ii France
Charles V
Jeanne Princess of France
Mary De France
Philippe de Bourgogne
Philip De Valois, Count of Flanders & Artois
Jean I Le Magnifique
Bonne Princess of France