Helen MacDonald
Birth date:
Birth place:
Galloway, Wigtownshire, , Scotland
Death date:
Death place:
  , , ,

MacDonald Family

Father: John (Fitzrichard) De Lacy
Mother: Alice Mandeville
Spouse: Alan de Galloway
Henry De Lacy or De Lacey or De Lassels
Johanna de Lacy
Helen De Lacy
Roger De Lacy
John Ii De Lacy
Robert de Lacy Constable
Robert Constable
Helen De Lacie
Daughter de Lacy
Helen De Isle
Daughter de Lacy
Robert De Lacy
Robert Constable
De Lacy
Richard de Lacie
Eustace de Lacie
Peter de Lacie
Robert De Lacey
Agnes de Lacy
Helen MacDonald
Christine MacDonal Galloway
Helen de Quincy
Christian Nicalan
De Galloway
Helen Galloway
Dervoguilla of Galloway
Marian Galloway
Christian De Galloway
Thomas Macduallan
Thomas Galloway
Devorguilla of Galloway
Cecily de Balliol
Helen De Galloway
Helen Galloway
De Galloway, Devorguilla
Thomas Huntington
Helen (Elena) Macdougal
Christina MacDonald